Did you know that if you change a single bit from 1 to 0 (or …
I loved that they put in the work and it paid off!
5 stars
While there are some more crazy theoretical works out there, this talk showed how they did the work and it paid off on something not theoretically new. Basically they built a bit-squatting system that would handle DNS, SSL reg, and HTTP/IMAP/SMTP for a domain 1-bit off of the target (e.g., coogle.com instead of google.com). This technique has been around for years, but it's been very crufty, and mostly just done to do a talk. These folks spent a lot of time investing into the tooling, and they showed how quickly it paid off, 1000s of OAuth creds for F500 companies, 15k emails with scanned documents, etc.
They assumed that they'd see more hits during the solar storm, but didn't see anything, which they found correlated with a paper that seems to saw that cosmic rays are not the cause of in-memory bit-flips. They also spend a bit of time discussing defenses (from AWS' approach of buying every flipped domain), to cert pinning and other app-based defenses.