Jacob T.'s books

All books Public 42 books (showing 31-42)

Cover Title Author
No cover

Cybersecurity of COSPAS-SARSAT and EPIRB: threat and attacker models, exploits, future research (Paper, 2023, NDSS Symposium 2023)

Cybersecurity of COSPAS-SARSAT and EPIRB: threat and attacker models, exploits, future research, , ,
Nim in Action (2017, Manning Publications)Nim in Action
No cover

Framing Frames: Bypassing Wi-Fi Encryption by Manipulating Transmit Queues (Talk, 2023, Real World Crypto 2023)

Framing Frames: Bypassing Wi-Fi Encryption by Manipulating Transmit Queues, ,
No cover

Using ZK Proofs to Fight Disinformation (Talk, 2023, Real World Crypto 2023)

Using ZK Proofs to Fight Disinformation,
No cover

Let Me Unwind That For You: Exceptions to Backward-Edge Protection (2023, NDSS Symposium 2023)

Let Me Unwind That For You: Exceptions to Backward-Edge Protection, , , ,
No cover

Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior (2023, Arxiv)

Generative Agents: Interactive Simulacra of Human Behavior, , , , ,
The right kind of crazy (2016)The right kind of crazy
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Why I Write My Own Security Tooling (Talk, 2023, BlueHat 2023)

Why I Write My Own Security Tooling
Type-driven Development with Idris (2017, Manning Publications)Type-driven Development with Idris
No cover

Security, Moore's Law, and the Anomaly of Cheap Complexity (Talk, CyCon 2018)

Security, Moore's Law, and the Anomaly of Cheap Complexity
No cover

You and Your Research (Talk, Bell Communications Research Colloquia Series)

You and Your Research
Watching the Watchers: Practical Video Identification Attack in LTE Networks (Paper, 2022, USENIX Security 2022)Watching the Watchers: Practical Video Identification Attack in LTE Networks, , , , ,